Milk Quality

Start with the quality of goat milk. Buying from a soap maker who works directly with farmers or, better yet, raises their own goats helps you know what’s going into your soap. Also, check the ingredient’s list and where goat milk ranks in the list; you’ll want goat milk to be early, which indicates that it’s a main ingredient.

Other Ingredients

Beyond nourishing oils like coconut, palm, and olive oil as well as essential oils for fragrance or health benefits, goat milk soap should be simple. Ingredients to flag are GMO products like soybean, corn, canola, vegetable, or modified rapeseed oil—while the FDA has found no evidence that GMOs are less safe, the rule of thumb for soap is simplicity. You’ll also want to avoid sodium lauryl sulfate, which is an emulsifier that increases soap lather, but strips skin of healthy, naturally occurring oils. However, sodium hydroxide, or lye, is fine—it’s added early in the soap-making process and, though often listed as an ingredient, is usually not present in the final product.

Soap Making and Curing Processes

The two soap-making methods are hot and cold process. For milk-based soaps, the cold-process method for making and curing is considered the best as there’s no risk of the milk curdling and allows soap and glycerin to form without cooking the soap.

Who knew soap was so complicated? Here’s the list of the best goat milk soaps to make adding goat milk soap to your routine as simple as the soap should be.

Rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids

Just as this creamy liquid provides nourishment for the body, it also contains many skin-loving properties for skin.

Here’s a look at the main constituents found in goat milk:²

  • Vitamin A: Goat milk contains more vitamin A than cow’s milk. In skin care, vitamin A derivatives are known as retinoids (or retinol). This supports healthy skin complexion by keeping the epidermis and dermis well hydrated.³
  • B-Vitamins: This group of B-Vitamins, which includes thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), and pantothenic acid (B5) have many skin nourishing compounds. They help with everything from maintaining healthy collagen levels, soothing skin irritations, keeping skin well-hydrated, and keeping acne breakouts under control.⁴
  • Vitamin C: Also known as ascorbic acid in skin care, vitamin C is a strong antioxidant which prevents skin from UV photodamage, and plays an important role in collagen synthesis.⁵
  • Vitamin D: While we mostly get vitamin D from natural sunlight (which is why this is called the sunshine vitamin), vitamin D, when applied topically, may help with some skin conditions such as psoriasis.⁶
  • Vitamin E: This powerful fat-soluble vitamin plays a vital role in protecting skin both before AND after sun exposure. It also fights against skin inflammation.⁷
  • Healthy fats: The lovely creamy texture of this milk carries over to the finished bar of soap. Goat’s milk soap may contain amino acids and lipids that support and repair the skin barrier function.
  • Lactic acid: An alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), lactic acid works to gently exfoliate the top layer of skin.
  • Minerals: Together with vitamins, minerals such as selenium and zinc form a team to support optimal skin health to fight off free radicals and act as a barrier against UV damage.⁸

The takeaway: The powerful combination of vitamins and alpha-hydroxy acid allows the health effects of the vitamins to penetrate deep into the skin.

RusticWise, benefits of goat milk soap, bar soap
A bar of handcrafted goat’s milk soap.
Credit: RusticWise

2. Creamy and moisturizing

People have long used milk as part of a beauty routine. Milk facial masks and milk baths were purported to be common practices in ancient Egypt.

So it’s no surprise that milk has once again resurfaced as a popular ingredient in skincare products such as natural goat’s milk soap and goat milk lotion.

With a higher fat content than cow’s milk, goat milk provides skin with a luxurious lipid boost to the skin’s surface. As a nourishing emollient, goat’s milk is easily absorbable by the skin, delivering moisture to dry skin or damaged skin tissue. The result is a more hydrated epidermis and smoother, more supple skin.

Besides milk, glycerin is present as it’s a natural byproduct of the soap making process. A natural humectant, glycerin works to attract moisture to the outer layer of skin from the inside out.

When skin is moisturized, it forms an effective barrier to lock in moisture while keeping irritants and harmful bacteria out.

3. Gentle, yet effective

If you’re looking for a mild, yet effective deep cleaner, this natural soap doesn’t disappoint.

Many commercial synthetic soaps contain harsh chemicals which may cause itchy skin, or irritated skin.

Those with skin sensitivities can rest assured that goat’s milk and other nourishing plant-based or animal fats found in handcrafted soap deliver a thorough clean, without stripping skin of its healthy, natural oils.

The handmade soap takes on the qualities of the oils, or fats used. For example, coconut oil creates a hard bar of soap with strong cleansing and lathering properties. Olive oil is a gentle oil that works to moisturize.

One of the major components of goat’s milk is lactic acid. In terms of gentleness, lactic acid is one of the milder alpha hydroxy acids (AHA).

A 1996 study looks at various alpha hydroxy acids (citric, glycolic, hydroxybutyric, lactic, and malic acids) and their “stinging potential on sensitive skin, the ability to increase skin cell renewal, and their ability to improve moisture content and reduce lines and wrinkles over a six-week period.”⁹

Results show that two of the mildest AHAs are lactic and glycolic acids. They were milder, yet still more effective than other AHAs at improving skin moisture and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Lactic acid took the slight edge over glycolic acid when used in greater concentration—it’s less irritating to skin.

4. Brightens skin tone for a healthy glow

You can kiss dull, patchy skin goodbye.

Lactic acid is a type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) which acts as a gentle exfoliator. When using cleansers that contain lactic acid (such as milk and dairy products), it helps to slough off the top layer of dead skin cells.

AHA also helps to tone and minimize the appearance of pores.

This reveals healthier skin and creates a more glowing complexion.

If you’ve ever tried other harsher facial peels, this comes as good news. Lactic acid is a gentle exfoliant and is ideal for those with sensitive skin.¹⁰

5. May fight signs of aging

The many skin benefits of goat’s milk make it a useful ingredient to add to your anti-aging toolkit.

The rich antioxidant properties found in vitamins A, C, D, E, as well as B-vitamins, prevent oxidative stress on skin cells. They prevent skin damage by fighting off free radicals that can speed up the aging process.

Wrinkles, old age spots, and hyperpigmentation are kept in check with the properties of lactic acid, a mild, yet effective AHA.¹⁰

The high fatty acid content in goat’s milk makes it beneficial for keeping skin well hydrated, promoting a more youthful appearance and healthy skin growth.

6. May help with acne and other skin conditions

When selecting a cleanser for acne-prone skin, or oily skin, it’s important to choose one that cleans without leaving the skin feeling dry. Milk delivers on these criteria.

Many studies point to milk’s use in treating acne vulgaris or psoriasis. Milk may help do the following:¹¹

  • Reduce the appearance of acne scarring or lesions
  • Regulate sebum secretion
  • Provide soothing anti-inflammatory properties
  • Moisturizes skin
  • Slough off the top layer of dead cells on skin

7. Soothes skin

Skin inflammation is a common occurrence for many—especially those with skin sensitivities. This may manifest as red patches, swelling, or itchy skin.

This can occur as a result of too much sun exposure, allergic reactions, or a more chronic skin condition like eczema and psoriasis.

Although there’s a lack of scientific studies specifically on goat soap and its benefits for skin conditions like eczema, there are many anecdotal references to its usefulness.

The high fat content, lactic acid, and emollient properties of goat’s milk all contribute to its anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Free of harsh surfactants

If you’ve ever checked out the ingredients list on a bottle of shampoo, or commercial soap, you’ve probably heard of the terms sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES).

These are two synthetic surfactants which work to clean and create foam or lather. While these ingredients are great at cleaning, they are not known for their gentleness on the skin. Many people experience adverse reactions after using products contain SLS or SLES such as itchiness or dryness.

The good news is that most natural products like goat bars are SLS and SLES free. When soap is made-from-scratch using cold process soap making, you don’t need to worry about SLS or SLES in the finished product.

What exactly is sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)?

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sometimes spelled as “sulphate,” is a type of anionic surfactant. A surfactant is an ingredient that reduces surface tension between oil and water. It allows dirt and other particles to wash away clean.

Besides its strong cleaning properties, manufacturers use SLS as a foaming agent, which creates the rich lather most of us enjoy in shampoos and soaps.

SLS also goes by other names, including:¹

  • Sodium laurilsulfate
  • Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
  • Monododecyl ester sodium salt sulfuric acid
  • Sodium salt sulfuric acid
  • Monododecyl ester

Since the 1930s, sodium lauryl sulfate has been used in various body care products, beauty products, and household cleaners.²

What does SLS do in everyday household products?

As sodium lauryl sulfate is inexpensive and easy to produce, you’ll find it used in a wide range of products you have at home.²

Household cleaners are essentially a form of synthetic detergent that work to strip surfaces of fat, oil, and grease to remove stains. Here are a few cleaning products you’ll find containing SLS:

In skincare and body products, it works to build foam and strong lather. And of course it also works to clean. You can find SLS in the following personal care products:

Did you also know that SLS is sometimes used as a food additive? It works as an emulsifier to thicken foods or to change the texture. You’ll find it used in:

  • Marshmallows
  • Dried egg products
  • Some fruit juices (to mix acids with liquids)